检查 emmc 健康状态

smartctl 无法使用,需要用 mmc 命令。mmc extcsd read /dev/mmcblk

eMMC Life Time Estimation A [EXT_CSD_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_A]: 0x02
eMMC Life Time Estimation B [EXT_CSD_DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_B]: 0x02
eMMC Pre EOL information [EXT_CSD_PRE_EOL_INFO]: 0x01

Life Time Estimation0x02 代表已使用了 10~20% 的寿命。如果是 0x01,则代表已使用了 0~10% 的寿命。

Pre EOL information 含义:

0x00 = Not defined
0x01 = Normal: consumed less than 80% of the reserved blocks
0x02 = Warning: consumed 80% of the reserved blocks
0x03 = Urgent: consumed 90% of the reserved blocks